TF1/ France 2 : «Le grand débat de la primaire» jeudi 24 novembre

The candidates for the right-wing party primaries ahead of the 2017 presidential election (from L) former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, former Prime minister and Bordeaux's mayor Alain Juppe, member of parliament Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, head of the French Christian democratic party Jean-Frederic Poisson and former Prime minister and member of the parliament Francois Fillon prepare to take part in a televised debate at the studios of France 2 in Paris on November 17, 2016. France's seven centre-right presidential candidates hold their third and final televised debate before the first round of their primary on November 20. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT

Le 24 novembre, Gilles Bouleau et David Pujadas animent «Le grand débat de la primaire» entre les candidats à la primaire de droite pour la présidentielle, à J-3 du 2nd tour du scrutin. Les 2 candidats répondront aux questions des journalistes en direct pendant plus de 2 heures au cours de cette émission diffusée sur France 2 et sur TF1.